What to Consider Before Getting a New Hairstyle

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What to Consider Before Getting a New Hairstyle

Before throwing yourself into the water at the hairdresser, it is better to make sure that the haircut of your dreams really matches you and is achievable. It doesn’t matter rather medium length shag haircuts or long ponytail, it is advisable to consider some things, before getting a new hairstyle

Having a nice haircut is crucial in a woman’s life

Short hairstyle change rulesIt can not only turn any horrible day into a great day, or clear clouds that darken the sky to make you feel confident, giving you the impression that you are the queen of the world for weeks to come.

But mistaking a haircut can also cause you to want to:

  • Make the skin your hairdresser
  • Shrieking for days after your appointment before changing hairstyle

Changing the cut can also radically transform his style. Nevertheless, one does not go from long to short in an instant: it is necessary to cut gradually to accept its new image more easily.

Here are some tips to consider all risks before emptying the water before it is too late.

Know the shape of your face before cutting your hair before getting a new hairstyle

Once you know if you have a square, oval, round, or heart-shaped face, you can better imagine which cut will be best for you.

  • For this, simply determine your face shape via your jaw.
  • If your jaw protrudes more on the sides, you have square face (like Olivia Wilde).
  • If your jaw is rounded from your chin to your ears, you have a round face (like Christiana Ricci).
  • If your chin is a little pointed and your jaw forms a slight angle, you have an oval face (like Sarah Jessica Parker).
  • And finally, if your chin is the sharpest part of your face, you have a heart-shaped face (like Reese Witherspoon).
  • After that, draw the specific outline of your face on a sheet.

The goal is to find the most flattering shape for your face, depending on whether you have drawn a square, a heart, a circle.

Then draw the hairstyle that you want in juxtaposition on your drawing, with an oval in the center, to see if it returns.

If so, it will suit your face.

getting a new hairstyle

Have realistic expectations to change cuts without taking risks

Whenever you try to get inspired by a star, do not forget that the hair that obsesses you are certainly full of extensions, that they benefit from a particular hair stylist, and that no one will follow you with a fan when you move.

So, be realistic when you enter the living room.

Discuss with your hairdresser about the hairstyle change rules and what can be done for you, whether it’s asking you to put on and keeping extensions, cutting your hair in an easy to maintain style, but also to achieve a style that will hold perfectly when the wind blows in your hair.

Consider your lifestyle

If you know for a fact that you will not really have time to do your hair, think about a look that’s right when you’re just washing your hair.

If you’re one of those girls who work their style every day, you can go for a more daring cut that requires more upkeep, like the magical effect of Gisele.

  • Make sure you’re really ready to change haircuts and it is the time for a new hairstyle
  • Of course, if it’s just to cut the tips, it’s not too bad.
  • But once you have pruned 30cm, there will be no turning back.

So if you’ve had long hair under your breasts since childhood, but you’re thinking of getting a square or even a cut to the boy, think for a month, before making a decision that would be too hasty.



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